
Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Kinder-Gentler April Fool's Day

  I don't like to be startled...
I don't like to be embarrassed...
I don't like to feel like a fool...
for these reasons April Fool's Day 
was always a day to be avoided. 

  When my boys were very young I tried to convince them that April Fool's Day was a day to do silly things like eat our dinner backwards with dessert first, and salad last. We'd wear our clothes inside out, eat lunch in the livingroom on a tablecloth on the floor, and tried to say as many rhyming words as we could. I almost had them convinced that was what April Fool's Day was all about...and then they started school. Once they were told about pranks and tricks it was all over...I was subject to the usual little boy pranks like..."Mom, Shane's hurt! Come quick!" Only to find Shane with ketchup running down his shirt...Ugh!
  Now that I have grandchildren I am trying to bring back "kinder-gentler" pranks...the other day I pulled a gentle prank on some of them. We were out of milk at my house and three of the grandkids were over. GoodMan took the three of them to pick up a gallon of milk for breakfast. When they came in I looked at the milk and exclaimed, "You bought Magic Milk, I thought you were buying regular milk!" (It helps that none of the grandkids we had that day were readers.) I had the kids tell me what kind of cereal they wanted for breakfast and then had them sit at the table. I sneakily put a few drops of food coloring in each bowl; blue for the boys and pink for the girls. Then I poured their cereal into the bowls and set their cereal bowls and spoons in front of them. I brought the "Magic Milk" out to the table and when I poured the milk it "magically" turned colors. The boys' cereal milk turned blue and the girls' cereal milk turned pink. The kids thought it was really neat that the "Magic Milk" somehow knew which of them was a boy and which was a girl.
  When the grandkids get a little older we'll play another favorite gentle April Fool's game. We'll have a mystery dinner where we write up a menu listing the dinner's ingredients ~ but using different names like "Angelic Orbs" for deviled eggs, and "squirmy worms" for spaghetti. And ask the kids to place their order. It brings lots of laughs as the kids try to figure out what they're ordering. 
  My dad used to play word game tricks on my me and my brothers and sisters when we were kids. He'd say, "I bet I can jump higher than that telephone pole." We'd take him up on his bet and he'd jump an inch or two off the ground...we'd laugh and assume we'd won the bet and he'd laugh and say "I jumped this high, now let me see how high the telephone pole can jump!"
  I usually dread April Fool's Day because I don't like to be startled, embarrassed, or feel like a fool...if I could just convince one generation April Fool's Day is all about being silly, I'd look forward to April 1st again.

  What does your family do on April Fool's Day? Do you keep it silly, or do you like to pull pranks? What was your favorite April Fool's Day?


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