
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Deviled Eggs

Coloring eggs for's a tradition!...Deviled eggs made out of the colored hard boiled's a tradition! How about coloring the egg whites? Time for a new tradition!

I saw this on...(wait for it)...Pinterest. Do you get bored from reading that on almost every post? I'm sorry, but it's true. I've found a lot of cool stuff on Pinterest and I'm making it my mission to share some of the best stuff with you. Just be glad you don't have to lose mega-hours of your life surfing Pinterest for these golden nuggets, 'cuz I'm doing it for you!

The original site for the colored deviled eggs is a blog called Foodjimoto. You should really check that site out. Their eggs are a lovely pastel color. Mine turned out quite a bit darker, but I still thought they were pretty.

This is how I made mine:

 I cook my eggs in a steamer. This is the kind of steamer you use for steamed vegetables. I find it works really well for hard boiled eggs too. When the eggs were cooked I let them cool and then peeled them.
I sliced the eggs in half and put the yolks in a quart size ziplock bag. 
I rinsed the leftover egg bits off of the whites and put them on a piece of paper towel to dry.
Then I put warm water in four bowls and added regular food coloring. I did not use vinegar because I was concerned about a residual flavor. I put the egg white halves into the colored water and let them sit in the water while I made the yolk filling.
I made the yolk portion of the deviled eggs just as I normally do. I added about a half of a cup of mayo, a tablespoon of hot dog relish (mustard and pickle relish mix) and about 1/4 teaspoon of seasoned salt. 

Then I closed the top of the ziplock bag and squished the bag and kept squishing it in my hands until all the yolk ingredients were blended. Then I put the bag aside and checked on the egg whites.
When the eggs were the desired color I took them out and let them dry off on a paper towel. Be sure to check on the colors often. Each time I've made these they've turned darker than I intend them to be.
I snip the corner off of the ziplock bag and use it to pipe the filling into the egg whites.
Then I just filled them as I normally would.
  I gave each egg a slight sprinkle with paprika and then snapped this photo.
These were fun to make and I couldn't wait to show them to my taste testers!

What was the taste tester's bottom line?
GoodMan enjoying an Easter Egg

 Everyone thought they looked really cool! Those who like deviled eggs liked these, those who don't like deviled eggs just liked the way they looked.

The bottom line: I'll keep this in my Easter holiday repertoire.

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