
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Paper Bag Popcorn

 I could try and convince you
I was looking for a healthier alternative
 to regular microwave popcorn
with all it's chemicals and additives...
but that wouldn't be true.

I could claim I'm on a diet
and want my popcorn pristine,
 without all that fattening oil
and (blood pressure raising) salt...
but I'd be lyin'.

So I'll confess.
I saw this trick for making popcorn
all over Pinterest
and I thought it looked cool...
and I was curious how it might work
so I tried it out on my taste testers...

Wanna know what they thought?
Well...keep reading.

Here's the secret...shhhh...there is no secret! 

I just used a regular flat bottom brown paper lunch bag.
The one I used says it is a large size.

I put 1/2 cup of regular popcorn in the bag,
I folded the top over twice,

and heated it in the microwave for 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
It might take more or less time in another microwave.
I just listen for the popping to slow down
 to one or two pops per second.
That's when I know it's done.

The bag starts out standing up, but falls over part way through.
No big deal ~ no "This Side Up" signs necessary!

Just like that...I have a full bag of popcorn with no fats,
salt, or chemical additives...

So I quickly went to work adding the fat,
and salt and chemicals back in...
with butter and garlic Parmesan seasoning.
Like I said, I'd be lyin' if I told you this was all about the
health benefits. It was really all about the cool factor...
and the cool factor was high!
What was the taste tester's bottom line?
This was a hit with my taste testers. I had to laugh because the grandkids had never seen popcorn that didn't come from a plastic wrapped microwave bag. I think it tastes like the air popped popcorn we used to make. Because no oil is used in the cooking, it doesn't hold salt well. If you use butter or perhaps butter spray after popping the salt and flavorings stick to the popcorn better.

Bottom line: I'll keep popcorn and paper bags on hand because I like to be able to season my popcorn exactly how I like it.

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